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Diabetes Tests

Diabetes Tests

Diabetes blood tests are crucial diagnostic tools used to assess blood sugar levels and monitor glucose metabolism in individuals suspected of having diabetes or those already diagnosed with the condition. These tests typically involve analyzing a blood sample obtained from a vein to measure various parameters related to glucose regulation. The primary test for diabetes is the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, which measures blood sugar levels after an overnight fast. Additionally, the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test provides an indication of average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. Other tests, such as the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and random plasma glucose test, may also be used to diagnose diabetes or assess glucose control. These blood tests play a crucial role in diagnosing diabetes, monitoring treatment effectiveness, and guiding management strategies to prevent complications associated with the condition. Interpretation of blood test results, along with clinical evaluation and consideration of other risk factors, helps healthcare professionals determine the appropriate course of action, which may include lifestyle modifications, medication, and regular monitoring to achieve optimal blood sugar control and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Regular diabetes blood tests are essential for maintaining health and well-being in individuals with diabetes.

Measures fructosamine levels, providing an average blood glucose level over the past 2-3 weeks...
Measures the level of glucose in the blood after fasting, commonly used to diagnose diabetes...
GTT 2 SPECIMENSThe glucose tolerance test is a method to judge how well your body is able to metabolize glucose.Glucose is the type of sugar your body uses to supply energy to its cells. Your body breaks down the food you eat into glucose that then enters your bloodstream. A hormone called insulin, ..
GLUTATHIONEThis test measures levels of Glutathione, also known and GSH, in the blood.  Glutathione is an antioxidant, a type of chemical which helps to boost your immune system as well as prevent and reverse cellular damage.  Unlike most antioxidants, which come from the food you eat, glu..
C-PEPTIDE; C-Terminal InsulinThe C-peptide test is a tool your doctor uses to test whether you have type 1 diabetes, when the immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas, or type 2, when your body doesn't use insulin as well it should. It shows how well your body makes insulin, which mo..
CBC (DIFF.PLT); CBC (includes Differential and Platelets); Complete Blood CountThe complete blood count (CBC) is a group of tests that evaluate the cells that circulate in blood, including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets (PLTs). The CBC can evaluate your overall healt..
GLUCOSE, SERUMGlucose is a type of sugar. It is your body's main source of energy. A hormone called insulin helps move glucose from your bloodstream into your cells. Too much or too little glucose in the blood can be a sign of a serious medical condition. High blood glucose levels (hyperglycemi..
HEMOGLOBIN A1CHemoglobin A1c, also called A1c or glycated hemoglobin, is hemoglobin with glucose attached. The A1c test evaluates the average amount of glucose in the blood over the last 2 to 3 months by measuring the percentage of glycated hemoglobin in the blood.Hemoglobin is an oxygen-transportin..
INSULIN, FASTINGInsulin blood test also referred to as fasting insulin test, is a test used to measure the amount of insulin in the body. It is also used to monitor the treatment of abnormal insulin levels and also to monitor insulin resistance.Fasting insulin measures the level of insulin in your b..
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